Key Points


Noam Chomsky Discusses Palestine

Key Points:

  • Noam Chomsky, renowned public intellectual, discusses Palestine with Al Jazeera.
  • Chomsky discusses the road ahead for Palestinians with Ilan PappĂ©, another leading voice in the struggle for Palestinian liberation.
  • Chomsky's views on Palestine have been documented in his 1983 book, "The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians."


In a recent interview with Al Jazeera, Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned academic, public intellectual, and philosopher, discussed the situation in Palestine.

Chomsky, who is known for his vocal criticism of Israeli policies towards Palestinians, discussed the road ahead for Palestinians with Ilan Pappé, another leading voice in the struggle for Palestinian liberation.

The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians is a 1983 book by Noam Chomsky about the relationship between the US, Israel, and Palestine. The book remains an important reference for understanding the political and historical complexities of the region.


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